Barbara HanrahanBarbara Hanrahan Barbara is a Doctor of Nursing Education and a South African Perinatal Educator...
Barbara Hanrahan Barbara is a Doctor of Nursing Education and a South African Perinatal Educator...

Irene BourquinIrene Bourquin Irene trains in Cape Town and offers distance learning as well. She is...
Irene Bourquin Irene trains in Cape Town and offers distance learning as well. She is...

Colleen PedersenColleen Pedersen Colleen is a Registered Midwife who trained as a Doula with Irene Bourquin...
Colleen Pedersen Colleen is a Registered Midwife who trained as a Doula with Irene Bourquin...

Elmarie PetersElmarie Peters Elmarie is a Registered Nurse and Midwife who offers training in Kwazulu Natal....
Elmarie Peters Elmarie is a Registered Nurse and Midwife who offers training in Kwazulu Natal....